Sunday, April 18, 2010


  1. A miniature footbridge that someone built over a section of washed out ground. It was about 4"wide and 18"long. It was really pretty well done.
  2. A group of evangelical cannibals (my read). We avoided them just in case.
  3. A feral cat.
  4. Two groups of encamped scouts - one set from NJ; the other, troupe 42 from PA. None were doing anything interesting like chopping wood or building a fire.
  5. A bird watcher, who when we said hi, responded with a noise that was a cross between ASTRO (the Jetson's dog) and White Fang (from Soupy Sales). My guess is he doesn't speak much to us non-bird types and only knows bird calls. He was probably doing the best he could when we put him on the spot.
  6. A lot of broken branches and winter destruction in the pine forest. A good clean-up project for the boy scouts, I would say.
  7. A sherpa, walking by the railroad tracks (Sue said we should be quiet so we could hear his call... something like "sher-er-er-er sher-er-er-er, sherrrrr"). She might have made that up.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Art is temporary

The past is a memory

The future is a possibility

Only the present is permanent
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Chris Pronchik. All rights reserved. Articles and photographs (in total, or in part) may not be copied, reproduced or reused without written permission from Chris Pronchik