Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Chris Pronchik. All rights reserved. Articles and photographs (in total, or in part) may not be copied, reproduced or reused without written permission from Chris Pronchik
Click here for my newest art page - a more fluid and spontaneous approach to displaying my work
I like Tai Chi because because it is meditation in motion. But I have to be honest - it challenges me to be able to pause long enough and to clear out my head enough, to practice it.
"Repulse the Monkey" also sums up, in one simple thought, what I see as the onslaught and the response. Hope I don't sound paranoid or vampirish, but one could say, we are surrounded by monkeys!
After retiring in 2004 from a successful but damaging and torturous career in IT, I found that exploring Tai Chi and maintaining a Zen approach toward life has helped to restore me. Not that my spirit was ever broken by those wonderful 3 day off-site meetings to develop our vision and departmental mission statement. On the contrary, I learned valuable techniques and terminology that some day, perhaps on a different planet, I will use to become a department king.
This blog is my comment on life - one that allows me to celebrate the good and expose the bad. I'm not sure that anyone reads what I write, but that's ok. It is doing good for me. And if only one person reads one of my texts and learns something, or looks at something differently, or laughs out loud - even if only once, I will feel a measure of success.