Friday, March 12, 2010

NOTES IN THE MARGIN (a morning coffee at Starbucks)

Something I found as I was paging through an old magazine. I don't remember much of what these notes refer to (nor should I), but it definitely is my handwriting...

I was doing OK again at Starbucks. The screw-up at the register where I was charged twice for a coffee and blueberry scone was behind me. And corrected. The scenery wasn't great, but it kept changing. Putting my leather jacket back on took care of the cascading chill that was coming off the window.

But then mr. "grande 6-shot mocha" sat down [in the chair beside me] and I was immediately transported from Lafayette Hill to COLOGNE. Not the city in Germany but the one in some awful smelling burg in North Jersey.

In time, he finally left but as they say, "the smell lingers on".

-  as scribbled down one day in December, 2007.

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