So on this 4th of July, we need to relax. Sit in the back yard and watch the day
Pass the time between drinks tossing tennis balls into a bucket...
until one hits the camera as it was timing down the next picture -- causing it to snap a serendipitous picture of the sky.
Smoke some ribs like the Texans do and toss a hot dog on the grill too. But before the blueberry cream cheese crumb cake can be eaten...
The space hot dog Columbia must be transported to its bun on the back of a 747 (looking suspiciously in this photo as an ear of corn)
In the chaos that ensued, space dog Columbia somehow broke apart in two before also falling to the dirt and gravel strewn earth below. The scene was just too horrific to photograph.]
But we must not grieve too long because beautiful is still the day and blue is still the sky...
And sometimes disasters can be fixed with a little water such that those that seemed dead and departed can be brought back to life...
...only to be eaten !
I thought that the corn/hot dog combo was too obvious a guess for the disaster. Next time, I'll go with my first thought.