Saturday, March 7, 2009


Many have asked me this question - and I have tried to answer it. But from the feedback I get (or lack of responses, and blank faces), I know I don't do it well. Because, I do not have a good one sentence comeback - like "I fish" or "I golf", or any other neat package that a person can picture themselves in. And when I start to speak of all the things I do, I lose people. But before losing them, I find that they latch on to the first thing I say and reflect back on it, usually with a negative comment.

But let me tell you, not working is where it's at ! For one thing, when you don't work, you don't commute. Think about that benefit to your nerves, cardio and endocrine systems - not to mention the cost of commuting and the harm to the environment.

I'll address some of the specifics later, but let's keep it at a high level here. For me, retirement is more about enjoying life, staying young, having fresh experiences, investigating information and opportunities, trying to become wiser - and smarter, staying challenged, creating better relationships, growing as a person. If you know what a Renaissance man is - someone who has a wide scope of interests and skills - then you can begin to understand my approach to life. Not working allows me to spend my free time being one and learning to become a better one.

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