Monday, March 16, 2009


Let's take a break from all the sweetness and light I've been broadcasting because there is some darkness out there. For today, I inducted 2 new entries into the Hall of Missing Things.

The Hall of Missing Things is a virtual museum - a list I keep of what I can't find any more. And added today, were 2 of my everyday tools. After taking one more look EVERYWHERE, I am giving up on them. I've called off the search and sent the men in grey to visit their next of kin.
They were like friends and now they are gone.

#1 - a pair of pliers - heavy duty with a wire cutter. I used this tool for pulling nails out of boards and for other jobs that would not listen to the offers from more gentile pliers. Yes, he was a more aggressive tool, and he was kept in my separate tool box for all the sharp and cutting and rasping tools -- but he and I went back a long ways and I was fond of him, warmly thinking of him not as one of my superstars, but more like a loyal enforcer who would give me his last drop of energy if I asked for it.

Last seen on October 5, during the now infamous roofing weekend, I fear he is laying outside somewhere, hidden and rusting.

#2 pisses me off more because this one was lost while under my constant supervision, there is no one else in the equation that describes the
disappearance of my small retractable tape measure, than me. She was a light and nimble tape, clean in her action and somewhat sexy. I fear I put her down during one of our outings when perhaps distracted by what I needed to do next, forgot to pick her up. She might me at the park (where she was measuring rocks for my fireplace) or at Lowes.

Worse than not having these tools is what I fear it says about me and my ability to manage my minions -- that I am slipping further into the muddled mental cavity of old age.

Or, perhaps I am getting overly dramatic. Thanks, I'll stop

PS - if you read an earlier version of this post, you might remember there were 3 lost tools. Incredably, a previously lost pair of pliers turned up - in my box of FIRST AID STUFF ! Another mystery solved only to create a new mystery.

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