Friday, March 13, 2009


I like to think of myself as something of a risk taker. For example, at the age of 56, I decided that a small convertible was not dangerous enough, so I bought an Italian scooter and went out in traffic on 2 wheels for the first time.

But compared to Alain Robert, I feel like a very modest bookkeeper. Alain is the man who climbs buildings - on the outside, that is. Straight up the facade. Without ropes, pitons or other mechanical tools. Just his hands.

In 1999, when he climbed the Sears Tower in Chicago, he said that just near the top, he experienced an unexpected amount of condensation from the air conditioners and almost fell - and for a split second, he experienced fear - for a split second.

In the article I just read, Alain spoke of how politicians are driving society in such a way that everything has to do with money and safety - leaving little room for fun anymore. I can relate to that. He also spoke of how his exploits inspire people by helping them look at things differently. For example, as he was climbing the NY Times building in New York, he felt that maybe for a few moments, he was helping New Yorkers see the building as something other than a target, something to be trapped in. I like that. What he was talking about is art, and it is one of the reasons why I am attracted to art also.

I am so far from this man in terms of the kind of risk situation I put myself in but now I have found a few things that we have in common. And perhaps at some gut level, during my own climbing adventures - in trees and cliffs and on rocks, I feel a relative, if not proportionate commonality with him.

This is a good way to think about things, isn't it - to find what is it that we share and have in common with others - even if there is an exponential factor of difference. I don't know that I was able to think this way when I was working and the other dogs were trying to eat my dog at work. Hell, I just wanted to bury them before they buried me. But now I can think this way, and it's a positive, life affirming thing.

The kind of positive thing that we should all be doing.

And if you have a little time to spend on low purpose research, you might try this yourself - to see what you can find in common with someone else. Perhaps someone you admire, or someone you just happened to read about. Like Alain Robert. Or Leonardo DiCaprio.

Leo and I have at least 5 things in common. (besides our good looks):
  1. Stanley Kubrick's movie, The Shining" is in our lists of the top 5 greatest movies
  2. We believe you have to take full responsibility for your own character
  3. We both learned early in life that creativity is hugely important
  4. We are both Scorpios
  5. We both have a thing for Kate Winslet
I always liked Leonardo, but now there is an added dimension. It's all about common ground

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